Find the procedure to pass table as parameter and execute in sql.
declare @tblnm nvarchar(max) --- declare parameter for select query
declare @tab nvarchar(max) -- pass table name
declare @para1 nvarchar(max) -- pass parameter for where condition.
set @tblnm='select * from ' +@tab + ' where col_1 ' + @para1 ----- set the query in parameter
exec sp_executesql @tblnm ----execute sql within store procedure.
declare @tblnm nvarchar(max) --- declare parameter for select query
declare @tab nvarchar(max) -- pass table name
declare @para1 nvarchar(max) -- pass parameter for where condition.
set @tblnm='select * from ' +@tab + ' where col_1 ' + @para1 ----- set the query in parameter
exec sp_executesql @tblnm ----execute sql within store procedure.